Peter Howell
Protest against the installation of a Verizon small-cell tower on the corner of 5th and Longfellow.

June 1, 2021: Start of tower protest
Week 1: June 2 - 4, 2021
Week 2: June 7 - 11, 2021
Week 3: June 14 - 18, 2021
June 29: Ward 6 Verizon meeting
July - August 2021
September 2021

Map from safetechtucson/cell-tower-info
The tower site borders the Peter Howell Elementary School playground
On Tuesday May 25, 2021, this notice was received by a few houses very near the planned tower site.

Neighboring residents decided to organize a protest and informed Peter Howell by distributing flyers. On Monday morning, June 1, 2021 residents gathered at the site, parking vehicles along the road.

Arrival of the barricade truck

Workers and the City Inspector come to talk with residents

Here is a description of the first day from a local resident
"We started the day at 7am at the proposed site with over 35 residents and a handful of vehicles parked along the street to prevent the ease of any worker completing their task today. We were interviewed by Chorus Nylander with News Channel 4, KVOA (news report has not yet been broadcasted) who has reported on 5G towers in the city earlier in the year and was also going to interview another angry resident at another proposed site near the AutoMall.
We were able to get a foothold in blocking the barricade worker from installing his signs, which would have made our physical location illegal once those signs were up, closing the street and sidewalk to designate an active construction zone. We met and spoke with the City Inspector assigned to the job and to the Superintendent (designated Verizon representative.)
Steve Kozachik, ward 6 councilman, his personal assistant Diana, and Chief of Staff Ann Charles came to our gathering to speak with us about our concerns. Eventually the Superintendent from Verizon came to us to announce that a "higher up" from Verizon instructed the workers to "Stand Down Indefinitely" and one by one they all left the scene by 11:15am.
We are not quite sure if this simply meant for the day, week, month, etc. but we would like to keep manning the station in case they do come back tomorrow.

Ward 6 Council Member Steve Kozachik arrives to discuss the situation.

Residents join together for conversation and to sign the petition that will be sent to the City.

Wednesday June 2 to Friday June 4
Verizon reps came each morning to take drive-by pictures of the people gathering at the site. Sometimes the Enertech workers did the same.
People from around Peter Howell and other neighborhoods came to tell their tower stories, hold down the fort, and get to know their neighbors. Many more people signed the petition.
On Thursday afternoon, Russell Witte, PhD (Professor of Medical Imaging and Biomedical Engineering) visited residents and discussed problems with 5G, small cells, microwave radiation, and their potential impact on public safety, privacy, and property values in the neighborhood.
Then Rogelio Mares, a KGUN 9 news reporter, came to conduct some interviews.
Reflections from a resident after Day 3.
"I'm standing on a corner in Tucson Arizona...
And what a fine sight to see, I'm a girl my Lord with an RV Ford, parked trying to block 5G.
Come on baby, I'm not crazy,
I wanna know if you got time to come stand by me.
The start of Day 3. We are still standing and a 5G pole isn't. Come stop by the tent to help us keep it that way.
Thank you to all the lovely neighbors that came yesterday. You are amazing! I would love to get to know all of my neighbors more. Looking forward to us keeping the conversation going, our efforts strong and hopes up.