The City of Tucson’s existing Telecommunications Ordinance fails to protect public safety, privacy and property values. We have already delivered the solution: The Tucsonans' Wireless Telecommunications Ordinance written by and for Tucson residents and business owners and is vetted by top experts in the country to ensure compliance with state and federal law.
We now need your help to educate Tucsonans about the Ordinance and get it approved by the City of Tucson. What can you do to help?
Email template letter to Mayor Romero and City Council
Distribute Flyers promoting the ordinance
Get in touch to sign petition supporting the ordinance, & print sheets to gather more signatures
Contact your local elected official and tell them to endorse and enact the Tucsonans' WTF Ordinance to defend our rights to safety, privacy, property values, and the quiet enjoyment of streets!
Make a statement at a City Council meeting
Post blog promoting ordinance on your neighborhood list serve or make presentation to HOA
Attend our Informational and Outreach meetings and share with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers
Take photos of small cells and add to our "Tucson Small-Cell Tower Database"
Contact local media (and us!) and tell your personal story about small cells in your neighborhood.
Write Op Ed in the newspaper